Monday, November 13, 2006

Online Trading & Your Financial Future

Although one main purpose for an investor using an online trading facility is cost savings, shop around. There is a wide variety of firms charging a wide variety of prices to execute your order. Again, choose the firm that meets your own personal needs. Some offer substantial volume discounts to active traders. Realize though that you might be encouraged to trade more often to get the discount rather than trading your stocks sensibly.

Online trading is not without its problems too that you can overcome if you plan ahead. Remember the internet is a machine that sometimes breaks down. We all know that. I would suggest that you always have two accounts set up at two different and reliable stockbrokers. That way, if there is a communication problem you still have access to the market.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What You Should Know About Stock Trading Online

It seems that everyone always wants more cash. Some strive for a higher education; others compete for that big promotion. No matter what the method, we all find a way of increasing our income. Investing is a common form of making an extra buck. With the craze of the stock market in full affect, many of us gamble on that up-and-coming business, or reputable product that has the potential to increase in value. We know that shares can sky-rocket in value if purchased at the right time.

A blessing to many investment junkies is stock trading online. The stock market is now at your fingertips. If you've never played the stock market, it may be time to check it out. Many people make millions in buying and selling. Haven't you heard about the UPS shares? Those people got rich. It's amazing where a little gamble can take you. With stock trading online anyone can have constant access to the market.

Hop on your computer and check out the websites that can help you with this process. It doesn't matter if you're looking to spend a little or invest a lot, there is something just waiting for you. The great thing about the Internet is the information. You can find an abundance of trading tips and facts about the stock market for free. This way when you begin stock trading online, you won't be in the dark.

Read more on stock trading online for more information on this topic.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Retirement Income Planning Tips

One thing that many of us tend to overlook when we're young is the future. Now, by the future I am thinking along the lines of retirement funds. Have you dabbled with this yet? I am getting there. Now that I recently turned 31, I am trying to get a better hold on debt and future capital.

In short, everything needs to get paid off as soon as I can handle it. Let's face it folks, no one wants that annoying debt hanging over their heads when they are retired. This is the last financial issue you'll want to deal with. I look at my mother who still owes on some credit cards. This is sad because she is 63 and retired. I think she should have taken care of it sooner. Paying those credit card companies is not so easy on a retirement income. So, how's your retirement income planning going? Is it still stirring slowly in the back of your mind, or are you completely on top of things?

Read more of this article on retirement income planning.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Help and Investing For Dummies

If there was ever an oxymoron, it is the phrase “investing for dummies.” Although there is room in the world of investment for beginners, the fact is that there are few areas where expertise is more important than in this one. If you think about it, there is no worse area than investment for dummies.

If there is any way to loose all that you have worked so hard to achieve, it is by investing rashly or foolishly. So any person or any source which claims he, she, or it can teach investing for dummies in some easy 100 page or 5 step program is pulling your leg, and might just make you a pauper before you see the folly of your ways in following them.

If you are still interested in finding out some tips on investing for dummies, than you should listen to a few from me. First of all, you should not get into investment alone. Any guide to investing for dummies will tell you that you are not equipped as an average, or even well-educated person, to make decisions in the realm of business investment without the advice of a well-qualified expert to guide you.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Learning About Currency Trading Online

There sure are countless ways to bring in cash now days. The old nine to five job is certainly not the be-all end-all to turning a buck. In fact, millions of people have ventured out beyond the standard career in order to supplement their income. The stock market for example is a huge vehicle to additional funds.

People around the globe trade and maintain portfolios on a daily basis to ensure that extra cash for the future. Yes indeed, investing is a concept that many of us tackle at some point in our lives. The day-to-day job just doesn't offer the full security that we once hoped it would. It's time to get wise and explore the world of money making. One of the more recent paths to capital is currency trading online. This fresh way to make money is similar to investing in stocks.

Have you ever heard of currency trading online? It wasn't until about a month ago that I stumbled across it myself. I was doing some browsing through cyberspace and spotted a website that dealt with learning currency trading online. I was shocked at first and immediately deemed it a scam. However, I couldn't help but read on. The concept of currency trading online is similar to that of the stock market.

Read more about currency trading online.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Investing In A Business

Investing in a business can be a very lucrative venture, however if you make the wrong decisions, it can end up being a really bad financial blunder as well. If you want to invest in a business, you should really consider your choices carefully and consult with a financial expert before making any move that you might live to regret later.

The problem is that, if you do not know that much about business investment, you can easily get caught up in something that sounds like a good idea on paper, but is actually a losing proposition.

Investing in a business did not seem like such a big risk to me back then, because I figured that I would know well before the company went under if it was heading in that direction, and then I could pull out. Boy, was I naive. I lost more money investing in a business in those early days than I could really afford to, and came out of it a poorer, though wiser, man.

Read more on investing in a business for more information.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Using Discount Stock Brokers For Investments

If you are going to invest in the stock market, you must execute your orders through a stock broker. However, not all stock brokers give you the same services or charge you the same price for the commission to execute your order. You may want to consider one of the discount stock brokers to handle your trades.

There are basically three types of discount stock brokers; full service discount, discount, and deep discount stock brokers. Online discount stock brokers are available also but here you will not have close contact with a warm body, which most investors like.

The first type of the discounters is the "Full-Service Discount" broker. They provide almost the same types of services as the traditional full service stock brokers. However, this type of the stock broker will charge you about 50% of the normal commission rate of the traditional firms. They will provide trading advice as well as their research reports. Market newsletters are also part of the package of services. You will probably deal with the personnel at a local branch office.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

How To Buy Stock

We should all learn how to buy stock at some point. It wasn't long ago that I became intrigued by the capital infused market of buying and selling. What a great way to invest for the future. You basically purchase some shares at a reasonable price, and then down the road they can explode into much more healthy sources of profit. Who doesn't want to make money for the future? We all need those funds stashed away for when we're old and gray. Therefore it's always good to make some reasonable investments. When I found out that my wife's company offered stock shares to their employees, I made sure she was in the game. Although she ended up selling her shares not far down the road, she nevertheless made a significant profit. Doesn't that make it all worth it? Why not make money with your money?

If you are interested in learning how to buy stock, a good place to start is online. These days the Internet has much to offer. Day traders make a killing sitting with their laptops all day. If they can make a great living with the stock market, you can certainly make some extra bucks. If you simply look up "how to buy stock" online, you will be flooded with results. There are easily a number of Internet companies that offer stock purchasing. Spend a safe amount that you know won't break the bank, and then sell any time you think is right.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Getting Involved In The Stock Market

You don't have to be a financial wizard to know that your money isn't going to earn a very high rate of return while it's just sitting idly in your bank account. Sure, it's safe in there and you're not going to lose it. But you'll never get rich that way, either. In order to increase your net worth so that you'll be able to pay for things like a home, your children's college education, vacations, and retirement, you should consider learning about stock market trading.

According to most estimates, you can expect to earn an average of 10 to 12 percent annually from stock market trading -- even with a very conservative portfolio. When you compare those returns to the three or four percent interest that the typical savings account pays, you can easily see why stock market trading is the better option.

Getting involved in stock market trading is very straightforward and uncomplicated. All of the major brokerage firms maintain websites that make it easy to compare rates and fees. You can just sign up with one of these firms, talk to a broker to discuss your financial goals, and then let the firm do all the work. If you want to be more hands-on, there are even do-it-yourself stock market trading websites where you can make trades with just a few clicks of the mouse. Whichever route you choose, you should be able to start building your portfolio within a few days.

Read more about getting involved in the stock market.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Investing Planning For Retirement

People invest for retirement in all sorts of ways, from purchasing IRAs to gold coins. But one thing is for certain among all of these options: it is just simply crucial that you begin to prepare for the future now, because every day loss endangers your prospects of long term success and comfort.

With the Republicans raiding our Social Security for the purpose of filling our already bloated war chest, the chances of ever retiring seem to grow smaller and smaller by the minute, and most Americans think that the future looks really rather bleak at this point. That is why investing for retirement is something that everyone should think about.

Investing for retirement is no longer simply the concern of those approaching middle age, but rather something that even young people in their twenties and thirties need to understand and begin to do. Otherwise, who knows what the future could hold. You might end up working into your seventies or even eighties if you have failed to do sufficient investing for retirement.

Really, I am not qualified to give you advice about investing for retirement. No one simply writing an article can explain to you what plan is right for your long term financial needs. The best way to learn how to invest for retirement is to talk to a qualified financial consultant.

That way, you will get the opinions of an expert, custom tailored for your needs and your financial situation. Honestly, although everyone needs to think about investing for retirement, not everyone needs to go about it in just the same way, and so having a plan that is correctly made to fit your needs is the only sure way of doing it.

Are You Thinking About Investing In Gold?

Many people have begun investing in this arena with the thought that their respective country’s economy will be collapsing. This is something that has been seen in numerous locations and most people who hold this view are deciding to store the gold themselves. This mode of thought is similar to the actions of some people who were investing in gold just prior to the Great Depression. This is something that was discouraged by the government back then, but is something that is common practice in today’s day and age.

There are also other people that purchase gold without any interest in actually holding or storing it themselves. This is something that has been seen throughout the world as websites like egold have become popular. They store the gold for individuals who are investing in gold and can also shift the gold from one person to another as a method of purchasing. This is a great alternative for someone who is new to investing in gold.

Some of the other methods of making this type of investment include purchasing the stocks in the stock market. These are still more stable than most other forms of investing. The one key difference is that investing in gold through stocks means that the gold will vary in value based on the supply and demand. Some have even resorted to investing in gold through the gold mines.

Read more about investing in gold for the latest on this topic.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Managing Option Directional Trades

Options provide great position management and risk control potential when using them to trade the market directionally. This goes beyond the simple fact that a long position in a call or put option has an absolute maximum risk equal to the cost of the option (plus commissions, of course). That, in and of itself, is a very useful thing. What this article discusses, however, are a couple of handy little things one can do while holding an option position to maximize the return and keep the risk well constrained.

Roll Up/Down

Most traders are familiar with the concept of a trailing stop whereby one moves their protective exit as the market moves in favor of the trade. This is used to lock in profits. The same thing can be accomplished when one is trading options rather than the underlying. This is done by rolling one's position up or down strike prices depending on whether the trade is a long using calls or short employing put options.

Here's a recent example from the author's own trading.

A long position in Seagate Technology (STX) was initiated when the stock was trading at around 21.50 using the March 22.50 call options. They were purchased for $0.80. The market rallied over the next few weeks, eventually moving up above $24. At that point, a roll-up was executed by selling the March 22.50 calls at $2.60 and purchasing the March 25 calls at $1.40. This action served two purposes. The first is that it took $1.20 off the table, reducing the portfolio exposure and freeing up cash for use elsewhere. It also locked in a profit of $0.40 ($2.60 sales price minus the $0.80 purchase price for the 22.50 calls minus the $1.40 purchase price for the new 25 calls). At the same time, it had no effect on the remaining upside potential for the trade. The two strikes would probably profit about the same from any further appreciation in the price of STX shares.

If the portfolio exposure was deemed acceptable at $2.60, an alternate course of action would have been to sell the March 22.50 calls and not take any money out, but rather roll it all in to the March 25 calls. For example, if the position was 10 options, selling the 22.50s would net $2600. That cash could have been used to purchase 18 of the 25 calls ($2600/$140 = 18.57). By doing so, one actually increases the upside potential for the trade substantially. Of course, the full position is at risk, meaning one could theoretically lose the whole $2600 invested, which is more than could have been lost when the trade was first initiated.

Read more about managing option directional trades.

About Stock Market Quotes

Are you in the game? I'm talking about Wall Street, folks. No, not the movie with Michael Douglas, but the actual stock trading itself. Now, the truth is you do not have to be in the middle of Wall Street to buy and sell. In this day and age you can literally be in your living room or lounging on your patio. Yep, I'm talking about investing and buying stocks online. So much is done in cyberspace anymore. Not that I'm complaining. I actually love being able to transfer funds electronically. It just doesn't get any more convenient than that. Now days we even have currency trading, which involves Internet revenue and web traffic. Are you savvy when it comes to 21st century technology? Regardless if you're living in Manhattan, or down in West Virginia, you can still get those much anticipated stock market quotes. Got your internet connection fired up?

What do you really know when it comes to stock market quotes? I admit this was a somewhat baffling concept to me for quite a while. It wasn't until I finally sat down and decided to get the full scoop on the trading business. I quickly found out that you shouldn't grapple with shares that are out of your league. I mean, you are sorting through stock market quotes in order to make cash, not fall into debt.

Read more about stock market quotes.

What Is The New York Stock Exchange?

The New York Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange in the world in terms of the amount of money, the amount of company value on the exchange. Originating in 1792, the Stock Exchange was formed when stockbrokers and merchants signed the Buttonwood Agreement.

As the world’s leading and most technologically advanced equities market, the New York Stock Exchange attracts investors and investments from every corner of the globe. Through the Stock Exchange, investors buy and sell shares in the biggest and best companies in the world. Each day billions of dollars of shares are traded on the Exchange.

The stock exchange is made of members, who actually do the buying and selling for their clients. These companies, located around the world, are financially large. The value of the all the companies that own a seat on the Exchange is almost four trillion dollars. They execute stock market orders for millions of clients. Billions of shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange every single day.

The purpose of the New York Stock Exchange is to provide a marketplace for companies to raise money for their business operations by selling a part of the ownership of their company to the public. Through the New York Stock Exchange, you can be an owner of corporations that are household names like Coca-Cola or Sony. As you can see, not just domestic companies list their shares on the New York Stock Exchange. Almost 2,800 world-class companies with a total global market value of $21 trillion are listed on the Exchange.

As a small owner of a large company, you may think that you do not count. Not true at all. The rules that allow a corporation to list its shares on the Exchange also require that the company treat you as if you were their largest shareholder. All companies listed on the Stock Exchange must provide shareholders with the same complete financial information as their Chairman of the Board.

Here are some interesting facts about the New York Stock Exchange. The first listed company was the Bank of New York, traded under the Buttonwood Tree in 1792. The longest listed company is Con Edison, listed in 1824 as the New York Gas Light Company. The Exchange had its first telephone in 1878 but only got electric lights in 1883.

Stock Market Basics

This is my first post on my new stock market blog and am still learning the ropes of blogging. I will be blogging all about the stock market and investing basics. For my financial ramblings, be sure to check back at my blog often!